A Hope Chest
A Hope chest. What is it and what should be placed inside? Are they too old-fashioned for today's modern families?
Well to answer the first question, a hope chest, which was originally called a wedding chest or glory box, is a box that contains items that are or were typically stored by unmarried young women in anticipation of her future marriage. To answer the second question, "Is the hope box is a relic of the past? Well the answer for that would be a demonstrative "no!" Hope chest has always been one of the most popular selling items for many online retail furniture companies and for traditional furniture companies.
Throughout history, a hope chest legacy has always been a dedicated to keeping the treasured items and legacy of the family alive for years to come. The term "hope chest" by definition and history has been used primarily by Midwestern American women. On the other hand, the term "glory box" was most often used by women in the United Kingdom and Australia. But whether the name be hope chest or glory box, they both represent the same purpose. It provides parents and children a bond with their past and the excitement of the future with the personal and unique items of the hope chest being passed from generation to generation. Many books have been written with the theme of the hope chest and the highly special meaning to it for many families.
Many people have heard of the hope chest, but few know the unique value of creating one. Not only do the material items in the chest provide value, but the skills learned while creating items offers a lifelong heritage to all people participating in putting together one with special items and also the maintenance of one throughout time. Whether the items are handmade or specially purchased, or whether they are family heirlooms or a childhood treasure, each item provides a unique legacy for the owner. For instance, a young girl could have a hope chest with the wedding dress of her mother or grandmother contained inside of it. She could look on it throughout her whole life, leading up to the day of her own wedding where she would finally wear the dress that was her hope chest that she grew up dreaming of wearing one day!
Because of the hope chest's meaning to it and it's stylish look that adds to any room it is in, it has always been one of the most popular selling items for many online retail furniture companies and for traditional furniture companies. A hope chest is a great accent piece of furniture that will add to the beauty of any room it is placed in.
Hope chest in general have a variety of finishes and styles. Many of them come fully assembled. Most stores provide many different types of hope chest to give each owner the perfect type of hope chest that will not only add to the beauty of their room but give them the nostalgic feel, usefulness, and storage that will keep the owners family heirlooms and special items in a home that will last from generation to generation.
The common contents found in a hope chest or "glory box" include clothing like a special dress, table linens, towels, bed linens, quilts and occasionally dishware. These are all items that are traditionally passed on from generation to generation of women in their respective families.
Common features found in most hope chest are air tight sealing strips, decorative hinges, and interlocking corner joints. Most hope chest also come fully assembled.
If you have considered starting a hope chest for someone you love or looking for a new hope chest to transfer your families treasured heirlooms, buying one online or in a traditional furniture store is sure to be a great gift for any holiday or special occasion!