Leather Furniture
The most eloquent kind of furniture that a person can put into their home is leather furniture. Leather furniture is known for its quality, design, style, and exquisite material. But even more then its style and the great ambiance that leather furniture provides, it is also a great choice for people who want great looking and feeling furniture that has a long life span! Natural rawhide feeds soft and natural and screams elegance and style.
Good Investment/Easy to clean
Leather furniture is also known as a good investment. The natural material is a lot more durable than the standard fabrics found on most sofas and upholstered chairs that are on the market. Rawhide is said to be up to four times stronger than man-made fabrics. Because of this, it is one of the most long lasting pieces of furniture that you can buy. Leather furniture is even great for families with children because the material will stand the test of spills, children's climbing, and all of their rough house kind of activities. While most materials and fabrics are often difficult to keep clean, leather furniture cleans up with a damp cloth, easily. In fact, when you purchase true and all natural hide, the life of the leather furniture you buy can last for generations! The only repair that will be needed down the road is wood work on legs and accessories or cushions that may need to be refilled at some point. Leather furniture like your favorite and quality leather coat will only improve with age. In fact these days, leather furniture is in such great demand that there are a number of discount leather furniture stores who sell this high-quality product at great savings!
Kids, Pets and Leather Furniture
Some people think that kids and leather furniture don't mix. But the truth about leather furniture is that it's incredibly difficult to stain your leather upholstery as long as you don't let the spill sit on the leather for hours. Leather is a porous material so liquids will bead up on it and sit on top of the surface. If you get to the spill when you first notice it then you should be able to simply wipe the liquid off and never notice it again. With a regular fabric sofa, the liquid that you spill will soak into the fabric and make it much real difficult to remove.
Another common misunderstanding about leather furniture is its durability. For example, many kids are very active and prone to flopping on the sofa after soccer practice or school. With your regular fabric sofa, you will most likely to see dirt and small bits of fraying very quickly. Since leather is 4-5 times as durable as fabric, however, you'll go years before you notice any amount of wear and much of that can be corrected by a simple leather conditioner!
Your new leather furniture is made out of durable material and resists tears, so there shouldn't be a problem with pets and leather furniture. A lot of people are nervous about letting their pets near any high price item in the home. The good thing about leather furniture is that it is a solid material. Anything sharp will first stretch the leather instead of giving in to easy rips like your normal furniture will. In addition, fabric sofas catch and collect animal fur with the hairs eventually weaving themselves into the fabric. With a leather sofa, you merely need to wipe the sofa off to rid yourself of the pet hair. Some people also think that since leather is an animal hide that you're pet may want to attack the furniture or may try to mark or spray the leather. However, leather changes radically through the tanning and dyeing processes and will not smell like prey or animal to your pet, so animal damage is never really a problem.
Variety of styles and designs
The natural material of leather furniture works well in a variety of styles and designs for your home. Manufacturers today make really stylish sofas, love seats, and chairs to match just bout any scheme or look that a customer is looking for. For example, a buyer can get a cozy cottage look with smaller leather furniture pieces that are dyed in many different colors. A consumer can also buy large-scale and masculine items that are manufactured for the dark and rich feel of a formal library or a den. With leather furniture, there is just so much to choose from! Also, the choice of processed hide is not solely for formal or large really nice rooms anymore. These days, leather furniture can be placed in practically every room in the home!
Different types of leather
In general, leather is sold in two popular forms. The first form is Full grain leather which is made from the finest raw material and are clean natural hides which have not been sanded to remove imperfections. Only the hair has been removed from it. The grain remains in its natural state which will allow the best fiber strength which will result in greater durability. The natural grain also has natural breath ability which will result in greater comfort. The natural full grain surface will wear better than other kinds of leather. Rather than wearing out, it will develop a natural feel and grow more beautiful over time. The finest leather furniture and footwear are made from Full-Grain leather. Suede is leather that has had the grain completely removed or is an interior split of the hide or skin. Suede is "fuzzy" on both sides. Suede is less durable than top-grain. Suede is cheaper because many pieces of suede can be split from a single thickness of hide, whereas only one piece of top-grain can be made into furniture. Manufacturers use a variety of techniques to make suede appear to be full-grain so be sure to check the label in making sure you are getting the kind of leather that you want!
Material should be Top Grain
Before purchasing your leather furniture it is good to have facts about natural hide. The material covering your sofa or chair should be what is called "top-grain", which is the best level of leather. Top-grain will generally cost a little more, but there are discount leather furniture places and good deals online that offer leather furniture with top grain material at affordable prices. Top grain means that the piece of leather that is covering the object is whole and not split with other portions of hide attached. You don't want your leather couch to look like a bunch of patches sown together; you want it to have a continuous look of great material! Split section leather furniture will not wear as long and will require more maintenance than top-grain to keep up a long lasting life.
How to Care For Your Leather Furniture
Your leather furniture has the most durable fabric used for furniture today. Although leather is so resistant to harm it is still always wise to take precautions when taking care of you're furniture because you want it always looks great. A word of caution, your leather furniture should not be placed within two feet of any direct heat source, including fireplaces, radiators or heating vents because the heat will hurt the leather. Also, direct sunlight should also be avoided, because over many years the leather will begin to dry out and fade. It would also be good to place your leather furniture in a place where many people will not be constantly rubbing against it causing marks, scratches, etc. Cleaning your leather is also very important for keeping it young and beautiful, so you should keep up a schedule of cleaning your leather furniture every once in a while. For instance, each week you should dust it by rubbing it down with a cloth to keep the leathers pores free of any dust particles.
If someone spills food on your leather you should wipe it up immediately with a wet cloth and liquid hand soap. When you first buy your leather, you should apply a protector to ensure years of beautiful furniture. After this you should be cleaning your leather thoroughly four times a year. When you do, you should use professional leather cleaner and then seal it again with the protector. If you follow these simple instructions, you should be fully rewarded and satisfied with your leather purchase!
Buying leather furniture can be the answer to many different furniture needs. Consumers should take their time in determining what style and what quality of pieces will best suite their families. Leather furniture may be a great buy, but consumers will need to carefully inspect all pieces before purchasing to assure that they are getting a product that reflects the price. Your family and friends will all enjoy your great new leather furniture. It will have any room that the furniture is in looking great, stylish, and classy. There are so many different types of leather furniture with many different colors so you are sure to find the right pieces you are looking for. Good luck!